Update from the field.

I thought I’d give you an update from the field this week as my last one was way back on 21st March!

At the moment I’ve been managing to find about 8 hours a week to spend on the field which isn’t a lot but is enough to manage the watering of the new plants I’ve put in and keep on top of the weeds as they pop up. The grass sprung up at a rate of knots after all the rain we had over the past few weeks and the warm spell which followed it this week. Our lawn mower wasn’t up to the task of mowing it so I am on the hunt for a suitable strimmer to keep it in check.

I doubled up the fenced off area over the past couple of weeks. So I now have a rabbit proof fenced off area of about 40 metres by 7 meters. I’m still working on getting the second area card-boarded and covered with the wood chips and the horse manure. My biggest lesson this week has been to plan ahead with making new beds…I lost a good day of labour laying out beds only to realise the orientation wasn’t going to be time efficient for planting and harvesting from them, so I am now in the process of scraping off the wood chip and manure and moving it all into the line of the new bands I’ve marked out. All of this could have been avoided if I’d have put pen to paper first.

In the first area of the plot. Daucus , ammi and achillea coming along very nicely. (Bottom right)
Looking onto the second fenced off area with the new orientation of the beds marked out and slowly taking shape. Also my new compost heap! Very exciting.
Looking out onto the two areas in progress.
My very first flower to bloom in my new field.

In other news there has been plenty to pick in the garden this week including aquilegia also called granny’s bonnets, they have really come into their stride over the last few days. Also geum, lilac and geraniums. Mixed with the last handful of tulips, the seedy hellebores, the forget me nots that are just getting better and better each day, add to this some hedgerow gatherings of red campion and grasses and you have a delightfully wild and wonderful mix.

Mid May bouquet.

Blessings from this patch to yours, until next time, Rebecca.

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