First week of March and a surprise new plot.

It’ll be a short and sweet post this week as it’s been a very busy week- I’ve been longing for a new flower plot to plant for a year or two now. This week I was caught by surprise when a neighbour offered me part of his field to spread into. I’m so excited to have a space separate from my garden that I can use for the sole purpose of producing flowers to cut! It’s a beautiful field with views onto Clee Hill and sheltered by some large yew trees with lots of snowdrops scattered about. The field has been used for horses in the past so the soil is good and rich, though much heavier than ours here on the hill- I look forward to seeing the differences. I’ve been busy this week marking up the space for the first 5 beds and getting some posts in. I’ve also been gathering chicken wire (to keep out rabbits) and cardboard to suppress the weeds. Manure Compost is on order from Mr Mucks and I’m busy sketching up plans for the first 5 no dig beds which I’m hoping to start making in the week ahead. 

I’ve ordered 6 Roses , 3 hydrangeas and 4 pittosporum to start my collection of shrubs. I’m hoping to underplant these with geranium and primula candelabra. I’m also planting 1 bed of perennials, 1 bed of dahlias and 2 beds of annuals- mainly varieties that I will use for drying and 1 row of sweet peas.

The new plot- posts in.

In the garden I’ve been carrying on with seed sowing- germination so far is really slow! I’m wondering about investing in some heat mats for next year. 

Also in the garden I spent a couple of evenings painting up some old aluminium surveyors poles which I’ve used today to make the frames for my sweet peas, painted in red, white and blue, they will look just the part for the coronation year! I also planted out the sweet peas this afternoon as it’s getting a bit too full in the greenhouse, I’m hoping they will be alright in the cold weather which is forecast! 

Sweet pea frames up.
Look at those beautiful roots!

Simon has been busy prepping the ground to get some more yew hedging in next week. This will finish off the rose garden very nicely and the backdrop of the yew provides a lovely foil for the fresh shoots on the roses.

Preparing for the yew hedging around the rose garden.

Anyway, that’s all for now, I can’t wait to get going on the field and bring you blog posts on its progress! 

Thanks for checking in and have a lovely week, Rebecca