Seasonal flower subscription and my first ever blog post.

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet, if you have checked in here to read this, my first ever blog post, then thank you so much! This week has heralded the first of the snow drops and what a welcome sight indeed!

i want to start by saying I don’t know exactly where this whole blogging thing is heading right now but I’m stepping into it to try an and figure it out ‘on the job’. This year I have 2 main goals. 1. If I have the demand for it (please let me know) I hope to try and encourage gardeners and those new to gardening to grow flowers to cut and enjoy indoors, whether that’s just for their home or for a particular event. 2. To grow my customer base by hopefully sharing the beauty of Shropshire grown flowers and convincing a few more people that they can get sooooo much more enjoyment from Shropshire garden grown blooms than their usual supermarket bunches. I’ll explain how in the coming weeks and months, I hope you will come back and learn more with me.

I’d class myself as new to flower farming, 2022 held for me many flower firsts such as my first wedding and first funeral too. It sometimes sounds strange to me to call myself a flower farmer as I have so much to learn still and I grow on such a small scale (less than half an acre) but nonetheless I grow flowers to sell and so that makes me a flower farmer and I love that I’m a small part of something so much bigger- a whole community of British flower farmers, working in harmony with nature and the seasons, treading carefully on the planet, on a mission to spread the joy of British blooms, one happy customer at a time!

So, whats new apart from the snowdrops you ask? I’ve just added subscription flowers to my website and I’m so excited to be able to offer this new for 2023!
I’ll be kicking off with the most lavish bunches of fancy tulips, unusual Narsissi varieties, wall flowers in pretty pastel shades and fingers crossed sweet Williams too! This first subscription will be delivered on the first Friday of April! I just can’t wait to get picking!

I’d so appreciate hearing any ideas or suggestions anyone may have for this blog. Are you here for gardening tips, beautiful floristry pictures and ideas, garden progress…I’d really love to know. Even if you’re not sure I’d love to know too!

Thanks so much, Rebecca

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